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Account Management

I can’t log in! There are a few things to check before panicking!

Firstly, if you have more than one email address, are you sure you’re trying to sign on with the one you registered with? Really sure?

Secondly, have you tried logging on in a different browser? Sometimes browser updates can break things…

Thirdly, can you see the FAWM site’s home page, or is the whole site down? You can check the current status of the website here.

Fourthly, the email with your login details may have been caught in your spam filter. Add emails to your white list and check your spam folder for emails with subject lines containing "FAWM".

If it’s still no dice, contact us by emailing [email protected] or use the contact page. It would really help us if you could include details of how you’re trying to access the site when you do this, particularly the name and version number of the browser you’re using (e.g. Firefox 64-bit, version 134.0) and which operating system you’re using (iOS, Windows, Android, Linux etc.)

I want to change my email address Contact us at [email protected] or use the contact page. Please note that we will ask you to prove that you’re you, and not someone maliciously trying to take over someone else’s account.

I can’t remember which email address I used to sign up. An admin can check which email address is associated with a particular account. However, for obvious reasons we’re not going to give out that information to other parties, even if they’re fawmers. Send an email to [email protected] or use the contact page telling us your username and the emails you might have used and we’ll be happy to help.

I hate my username now. Can I change it? If you’re logged in to the FAWM website, you can change your username once every 120 days (which is longer than the site will stay open every year) by going to your profile page and clicking/tapping the Edit icon: (it looks like a pencil inside a square).

How do I delete my account? Ask an admin. Please note: if you delete your account, it’s gone for good. There is no undo button. The admins will not be able to get it back for you so be VERY SURE that you want to delete everything before doing so. Deleting your account will also delete every message that you posted in the forums and on other fawmers’ profile pages. The text will be replaced by “[deleted]” and your avatar will turn into a ghost.

Where are my rock hands? This year, the donation process is slightly different from past years (not because we’re being awkward, but because the old ways of doing things have been replaced so we can’t use them any more).

If you make a donation using the same email address that you use to sign in to FAWM, everything should happen automatically. However, we’re dealing with the Internet here, so things do occasionally go astray. If your rock hands haven’t appeared after 24 hours of donating, please email [email protected] or use the contact page to let us know.